Glamour dental photography free webinar free lecture online dental photography by Dr Mayur Davda
Glamour dental photography free webinar free lecture online dental photography by Dr Mayur Davda
Glamour dental photography is very important for all dentists.
You cannot publish cases using studiolights because they are soft lights.
These lights are vital for the GLAMOUR factor in it which makes any object look beautiful.
Studio light or glamour dental photography can make you popular.
We have arranged a Glamour dental photography free webinar free lecture online dental photography by Dr Mayur Davda.
This new season on glamour dental photography will have 2 episodes minimum.
All topics related to studio glamour dental photography will be covered like:
What is Glamour dental photography?
Why is Glamour dental photography important?
What are the best equipments for Glamour dental photography?
How to set up Glamour dental photography equipment is a small space?
How expensive is Glamour dental photography?
All these questions will be answered by Dr. Mayur Davda LIVE
Event Dates:
20/09/2020 and 27/09/2020 (Sundays)
Time : 1800 Indian Standard Time
Where to attend : Dental Photography Facebook Group
This is the final schedule for the forthcoming workshop on Glamour dental photography. For details on joining please join our TELEGRAM GROUP