Glamour dental photography tutorials limited time offer
We received a huge response to our glamour dental photography tutorials that were live on September 20, 27 and October 1, 2.A lot of our followers have requested for an access to the recordings and thats why we have some great news for you. We are going to air ALL OUR 4 episodes but for a limited time only.
Episode 1 Introduction to equipment for glamour dental photography.
🔸What is glamour dental photography?
🔹How do we do glamour photography?
🔸Equipment basics and demo
🔹Softbox and it’s effects
🔸How to set up equipment in a small space and much more …
Episode 2 “LIGHT MODIFIERS” in glamour dental photography
🔹What are light modifiers?
🔸Why are light modifiers important?
🔹How is glamour related to light modifiers?
🔸What is a bouncer?
🔹What is a reflector?
🔸What is a diffuser?
🔹What is a soft box?
🔸Are all soft boxes the same?
🔹What soft box for which light?
🔸What is a Tent ?
🔹Do we have cost effective light modifier?
🔸What about DIY light modifiers?
In the 3rd episode we shall discuss PORTRAITS
🔹How different light modifiers create different effects for dramatic portraits.
🔸Lighting systems
🔹 Demonstration on the gorgeous Dr Arundhati Bhise
🔸 Close up lips photography
Episode 4 Table top photography in glamour dental photography
🔹Table top photography using studiolights
🔸How to get a flawless black background in table top photography
🔹How to get reflections in table top photography without photoshop
🔸Getting a white background in table top photography
🔹Using props to increase the aesthetic value of table top photography and much more!
To know more about dental photography please visit our blog section here