Much awaited episode for people who want to upskill their dental photography to a whole new level. In this episode i speak about all the studiolight for dental photography both expensive & economic. COVID has caused an acute scarcity of all photography equipment including studiolights. So i have emphasized mainly onĀ cheap studiolights for dental photography which might be still available.
Yes studiolights give a HUGE boost to your documentation because they make the images look so good!
BUT there are both pros & cons.
IN this episode i discuss:
Types of studiolights for dental photography
Pros & cons of each system
Soft lighting
Publications with studiolights
And how to use them
There are various classifications for studiolights. There is a vast choice out there but which fits our requirement perfectly? We obviously need to take into account aspects like economics, space available and effect desired. Ive tried to touch upon all these requirements in this 14 minute dental podcast.
I need to confess that im a huge fan of Elinchrome. I dislike Godox for a simple reason that when I purchased the mist sold SK 400 I wasn’t aware that only one of the lights will take uo the USB receiver! I was so upset and I wish someone would have told me this before I purchased it. Well I had paid a heavy price for it. Because I dont want you to make this mistake I have put down all these points for you in this FREE podcast.
Either buy the best studioiloght (Elinchrome ) or buy a cheap one (name disclosed in the podcast ) BUT DO NOT SETTLE for something in between!
This is however my subjective choice and I will be more than happy to read your comments / ideas, so just put them in the comments of my podcast.
I’m also going to show a FULL SERIES of Instagram reels on a NEW POCKET FRIENDLY studiolight!!
Listen to the full episode on STUDIOLIGHT FOR DENTAL PHOTOGRAPHY here
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