Dental Photography School Making Headlines

Dental Photography School making headlines

Dental Photography School Making Headlines This is BIG NEWS !! “Dental Tribune” one of the worlds BIGGEST Dental Publications has covered the story of India’s First Dental Photography Calendar!! Now that’s a Happy Republic day for our Dental Photography School Family. 26 January 2017 couldn’t get more merrier than this! […]

How To Achieve Pre & Post Operative Images That Match?

When you share your clinical cases with your dentist friends, students or patients; it is important that the series of images of that case should look identical and uniform in composition in order to get the changes noticed easily by your audience . The advantages of  a well composed image is far more than […]

Can We Really Use Mobile Phones For Dental Documentation – Part II

  In part 1 of  of this series we addressed a few reasons like DISTORTION, NOISE, LACK OF RECORDING ACCURATE COLORS/SHADE, LACK OF RECORDING IN RAW FORMAT etc. as to  why mobile phone photography is considered as substandard for dental documentation.This article in association with Dr. Bernie shall put light […]